Safe Opening

Safe Opening

You forget the combination number or the lock on your safe is not functioning well? Hey, you require locksmith service to perform safe opening. Tomilson Locksmith understands if you secure your valued items in a safe, you need to be able to retrieve them from your safe too. By the time, you dial for Tomilson Locksmith to solve your safe problem, you trust us to give you honest and reliable safe opening service from our locksmiths. We always believe in using the most cost effective way such as dial manipulation or lock scoping to ensure the safe is still usable. Unfortunately, there will be times when the lock have to be drilled in order to open the safe. At the end of the story, we ensure the valued items are left unharmed when we are performing safe opening on your safe.Open Safe

Changed Safe Combination

The safe combination is required to be replaced with a new combination on your safe if it is forgotten, lock is not working properly or with a change of employee. Older version of safes and even newer version safes have mechanical locks comes with keys and dials. Latest version have digital keypads with electronic locks. Tomilson Locksmith is able to change the combination on the safe be in new or old. Call Tomilson Locksmith will reach at your premises to change your safe combination and ensure your worthy items are protected.